E-Ink新品:澳洲雪梨的智慧停車告示牌──彩色E Ink Kaleido™ 3 Outdoor的全球首用

New E-Ink Product: Smart Parking Sign in Sydney, Australia——the world's first application of color E Ink Kaleido™ 3 Outdoor

In early April, we reported that E Ink Holding released a new technology E Ink Kaleido 3 Outdoor ( report door ). Three months later, the world's first commercial example finally appeared, quite quickly. E Ink announced today (July 13) that its latest product, E Ink Kaleido 3 Outdoor, has been launched at major traffic intersections in Sydney, Australia, for the display of smart parking signs. See the text for details...

In early April, we reported that E Ink Holding released a new technology E Ink Kaleido 3 Outdoor ( report door ). Three months later, the world's first commercial example finally appeared, quite quickly. E Ink announced today (July 13) that its latest product, E Ink Kaleido 3 Outdoor, has been launched at major traffic intersections in Sydney, Australia, for the display of smart parking signs.

E Ink Kaleido 3 Outdoor is based on color printing electronic paper technology, and uses the principle of RGB color display to make the black and white electronic paper film present a warm and moist color display performance. Its operating temperature range is between -15°C and 65°C, and it can operate normally without installing expensive and energy-intensive heating or cooling equipment, reducing additional power consumption.

And this traffic sign, with American company Mercury Innovation as the system integrator, is equipped with a 13.3-inch electrophoretic electronic paper display (EPD), and is simultaneously equipped with a solar panel. The solar-powered sign with transformable parking signs will continue to manage on-street parking for the Sydney region.

Enrique Esquivel, design director of Mercury Innovation, said that through the most advanced e-paper display interface, coupled with their expertise in the field of smart transportation systems, they are establishing a new benchmark for on-street parking management. City supervisors can dynamically adjust parking notices based on road conditions, and drivers can also follow them. The adoption of smart on-street parking management can bring a more efficient and flexible traffic ecology to the city.

When E Ink Holding announced that E Ink Kaleido 3 Outdoor will have 25.3 inches and 42 inches in addition to 13.3 inches, it is expected that they will cooperate with other companies in different fields in the future and continue to provide the best outdoor advertising signage market in different fields. Show the solution.

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E-Ink新品:文石BOOX推出黑白7吋 Page及彩色7.8吋Tab Mini C

New E-Ink product: Onyx BOOX launches black and white 7-inch Page and color 7.8-inch Tab Mini C

Jun 25, 2023 

After Onyx BOOX launched the large-size color model Tab Ultra C in late April, which was very popular in overseas markets, today (June 25) it also launched a small size, 7.8-inch color Tab Mini C, and 7-inch black and white Page. See the text for details...

E-Ink新品:TCL CSOT 25.3吋 彩色電子紙標牌──適合商用的廣告看板

New E-Ink Product: TCL CSOT 25.3-inch Color Electronic Paper Signage──Advertising billboard suitable for commercial use

Jun 23, 2023 

Earlier, I introduced Philips' latest Tableaux product, a 25.3-inch E-Ink Advanced Color electronic paper display . It turned out that TCL also launched a similar product. See the text for details...

E-Ink產品:美國Reviver E-Ink電子車牌──帶來全新的車輛管理和安全體驗

E-Ink product: American Reviver E-Ink digital license plate──bringing a new vehicle management and safety experience

Jun 22, 2023 

As early as 2018, California began to test the availability of electronic license plates. Until October last year, after the passing of the California AB 984 bill, the California Motor Vehicle Administration (DMV) announced that all car owners could use electronic license plates. Reviver is the only option for American car owners to install electronic license plates for the time being. See the text for details...


E-Ink Concept New Product: 0│1 Foldable Dual-Screen Smartphone──A Combination of Practical and Minimalism

Jun 21, 2023 

In recent years, the popularity of smartphones has changed people's lifestyles, but it has also brought digital disruption and dependence. To solve this problem, designer Andrea Mangone launched a foldable smartphone called 0│1phone, which combines minimalism and clock mode, allowing users to completely get rid of digital distractions and enjoy a purer life. See the text for details...