E-Ink新品:令人意外的眾籌預告──Bigme將推出25.3吋彩色E-Ink All-in-one PC

New E-Ink product: Surprising crowdfunding announcement─Bigme will launch a 25.3-inch color E-Ink All-in-one PC

At the beginning of this month, Dashang Technology launched the crowdfunding campaign for Paperlike Color, the world's first 25.3-inch color E-Ink display using E-Ink Kaleido 3, which attracted the attention of E-Ink enthusiasts and received a lot of support from backers. . Bigme suddenly announced that it will launch a crowdfunding project on Kickstarter for the world's first 25.3-inch color E-Ink display All-in-one PC product!

At this stage, Bigme has not announced the details of this new product. There is only a product image and featured keywords on the project page. It is estimated that its display will be the same as that of Dashang Technology’s Paperlike Color, using E-Ink Kaleido 3 technology, with similar parameters, including a display that can be switched horizontally and vertically and a two-color headlight . In addition, it supports HDMI connection and wireless screen projection function. As for the configuration of the All-in-one computer, for the time being, we only know that it will use the Windows 11 system and will use an Intel i5-level processor. It is unknown which generation it will be used, and it is not certain whether there will be higher-end options (such as i7/ i9). Another point worth noting is that the keyword "Voice Control" means that the product supports voice control operations.

If you are interested in this product, you may wish to register on its Kickstarter page and you will be notified once the project starts. We will report the details to you in due course.


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