E-Ink新品跟進:Bigme InkNote Color+青春版正式開售

E-Ink New Product Follow-Up: Bigme InkNote Color+ Youth Edition Officially Launched

It was mentioned in the E-Ink news last week that in addition to the S6, Bigme will also launch the InkNote Color+ Youth Edition ( news portal ), and further details are now available.

Bigme launched the InkNote Color+ with Kaleido 3 panel in the domestic market two months ago. It is famous for its high hardware specifications. However, the price of 5499RMB is relatively high in the domestic reader market. Taking advantage of the integration of ChatGPT in the new version of the system, the original version was named the classic version, and a youth version was launched. The youth version reduces the 6GB RAM+128GB ROM to 4GB RAM+64GB ROM, and cancels 4G LTE, other specifications remain unchanged; the price drops by 1500RMB, and the price is 3999 yuan. It is currently available for pre-order in China, and Bigme expects to ship it in mid-May.

Bigme estimates that before other domestic brands officially launch large-size Kaleido 3 color machines (the closest one is Aragonite BOOX, which will release Tab 10C on May 5), it wants to capture the market at a relatively low price and increase its share. In addition, this youth version and S6 are only available in China for the time being, and have not yet been launched overseas.

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