E-Ink新聞:回溯5年前的E-Ink Prism時裝,你會穿出門嗎?

E-Ink News: Looking back at the E-Ink Prism fashion from 5 years ago, would you wear it out?

I know everyone is also looking forward to the new product launch conference of iReader and Boox on October 12th. While you're waiting, take a quick look at some interesting E-Ink news! Recently, E-Ink Prism color-changing electronic paper has appeared quite frequently, and its application areas are very diverse. We have already introduced cars, toilets, mechanical dogs, and guitars, etc. But it turns out that when we go back 5 years ago, E-Ink Prism was used in fashion design!

"Display Week" is an annual exhibition and conference hosted by SID (Society for Information Display), which brings together display technology experts, researchers, manufacturers and entrepreneurs from around the world. They display, discuss and learn the latest technologies at this exhibition. of display technology trends, research and innovation. In 2017, Yuantai Technology demonstrated a long skirt made of E-Ink Prism:

Video source: Uniglobe Kisco

Yuantai Technology also displayed this long skirt again at the CES 2018 exhibition the following year. This time it was worn by a model and also brought different color changes:

Video source: Nataliya

Ladies, do you think this dress looks good? Would you be willing to wear it on the street? I wonder if clothes matching E-Ink Prism will actually be mass-produced and sold in the future?

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