E-Ink新聞:PPDS與元太科技攜手,即將量產最新E Ink Spectra 6彩色電子紙廣告看板

E-Ink News: PPDS and E Ink Technology join hands to mass-produce the latest E Ink Spectra 6 color electronic paper advertising billboards

It is said that E Ink Spectra 6, a new technology released by E Ink Technology in April this year, emphasizes bringing unprecedented color saturation and vividness, and can rival the same color effect of the most advanced paper-based color printers on the market today. Become the best alternative to paper posters. About half a year later, the first customer to work closely with E Ink Technology and adopt this new technology—PPDS (Philips Professional Displays)—came on the scene.

PPDS became the first company to develop an e-paper display based on the E Ink Spectra 6 platform and launch it into commercial mass production. In its series of products, Tableaux, it launched a 32-type (16:9) display using this technology. Brand new electronic paper advertising board Philips Tableaux 5150I. It can be used as a stand-alone solution, or it can link monitors in multiple locations around the world as a member of a group. It can be managed manually, or you can use a third-party or PPDS's built-in software to change the screen remotely.

Because E Ink electronic paper has "bistable" characteristics, Tableaux 5150I can display static images without consuming power, and only uses a small amount of power when updating content. For fixed installations and environments that require regular image replacement, it provides PoE (Power over Ethernet) functionality to ensure remote management of power and networking.

This electronic paper advertising billboard launched by PPDS will be officially released in Europe in late November. The official stated that it will announce the product details and pricing of this color e-paper signage in early 2024.

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