
E-Ink News: HyRead and Pubu respectively hold pre-heating activities for the new color machines that will be pre-sold in June

As we reported earlier, HyRead will pre-sell the 6-inch HyRead Gaze mini with six physical keys in June. It turns out that there will be another 7.8-inch color reader Note Plus CC using Kaleido 3 for pre-sale at the same time. , although the official details of this model have not been released yet, a limited-time event (June 1st to 20th) of "HyRead Gaze 7.8-inch old machine of the same size as a new machine" was launched on the official website. Holders of the HyRead Gaze 7.8-inch series, Old users who are interested in ordering Note Plus CC can send the old model to the original factory of HyRead for recycling. After checking that it works normally, they can get a discount coupon, which can be used in the Note Plus CC pre-order event held on June 15. , It can also avoid the waste of old machines, protect the environment, and reuse resources.

The user must first confirm the model, download and fill out the recycling form on the official website, and then send the old machine and the recycling form back to HyRead for testing. After the official confirmation that the screen display is normal and undamaged, and it can be turned on, the serial number of the discount coupon will be sent to you . For pre-order purposes. In particular, this event is limited to Taiwanese users, and overseas users are not accepted.

This event only accepts the following four HyRead models and their recycling prices:

R08N HyRead Gaze 7.8 1,200 yuan
R08P HyRead Gaze Note 7.8 1,600 yuan
K08P HyRead Gaze Note Plus 7.8 3,500 yuan
K08C HyRead Gaze Note Plus C 7.8 5,000 yuan

HyRead "Same size 7.8-inch old phone for a new one" limited-time event link

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After Pubu released the news of Pubook Pro in mid-April, it aroused the expectations of many e-reader enthusiasts in Taiwan. At the end of May, there was finally further specific news. Those who filled out the Pubook Pro questionnaire at that time will receive an email/SMS notification from Pubu today. They can prepay NT$100 on the WaBay platform to get a 500 yuan discount coupon that can be used to pre-order Pubook Pro, and the notification counts down to 7 days , Pubook Pro will officially start pre-orders at 8:00 pm Taiwan time on June 6.

In just 3 hours after the launch of this event, more than 230 people have purchased this discount coupon, and the response is very enthusiastic. And this discount coupon is on sale for a limited time and will end at 23:59 on June 5.

On the Pubook Pro project page on the WaBay platform, there is also a detailed introduction of this new product. There are two points worth mentioning. One is that Pubu emphasizes that Pubook Pro is a Bigme OEM for some netizens . The newly developed reader is not an OEM model; it is also mentioned that this new product can be shipped to Hong Kong or overseas regions, but additional shipping fees are required. For details, please contact the customer service of Pubu Electronic Bookstore.

WaBay Pubook Pro 10.3-inch Color Reader Fundraising Project

WaBay Pubook Pro 10.3-inch Color Reader Coupon Purchase Page

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