E-Ink新聞:「e啟讀出未來」 ──逾千台彩色電子書閱讀器,豐富基隆學童的多元學習資源

E-Ink News: "eReading for the Future" - More than a thousand color e-book readers enrich the diverse learning resources of Keelung school children

E Ink Technology announced on October 4 that the "e Read the Future" plan will establish e-book reader mobile libraries in Keelung elementary schools and libraries in 2023, aiming to promote digital reading culture and use The e-book reader made of visually friendly electronic paper and the diverse and rich e-book content provide students with an eye-friendly digital reading and learning vehicle.

The "eReading for the Future" project started in 2017 and has established e-book reader mobile libraries in Nantou County, Changhua County, Chiayi County, New Taipei City, Taoyuan City, Penghu County and other places, and has won multiple sustainable Awards for sure. This year, the program attracted the participation of 22 e-paper ecosystem partner companies and donated a total of 1,075 color e-book readers. Each reader is equipped with 102 high-quality books suitable for lower, middle and upper grades, totaling nearly 110,000 books. The total donation value of e-books exceeds NT$29.11 million, and more than 15,000 school children in Keelung City will benefit. This time’s book list covers diverse topics such as ending poverty, gender equality, climate action, reducing inequality, water purification and sanitation, etc., which can give students a more diverse perspective and humanistic care.

The "eReading for the Future" project focuses on local care based on the corporate social responsibility mission, uses core e-paper technology, and gathers supply chain partners and volunteers to work together to provide students with a comfortable and eye-friendly digital reading experience. As of 2023, this program has sponsored 174 Taiwanese schools, 29 libraries, 4,061 e-book readers, 381,000 e-book books, benefited 55,000 students, and contributed a total of NT$226.11 billion. Thousands of dollars worth.

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