
E-Ink News: 2023 color machine review, Boox won the best e-ink color product sales champion in 2023

Aragonite Boox recently announced on its social media that the company was named the best e-ink color product sales champion by Electronic Ink Company (E Ink) in 2023, and also specially used its own Tab Mini C to display the award awarded by E-Ink Technology certificate. This achievement marks Boox’s leadership in e-ink display technology and the widespread acceptance of its products in the market.

Looking back on 2023, Boox has spared no effort to promote the color Kaleido 3 reader in both Chinese and overseas markets. Coupled with the BSR fast browsing experience brought by its own independent display chip, it has received very positive reviews from users. First, in late April, it was the first to launch the 10.3-inch Tab Ultra C in overseas markets, which became very popular for its superior performance and color performance. Two weeks later, Boox also launched its corresponding Chinese version of the Tab10 C on May 5. By late June, Boox also released the 7.8-inch Tab Mini C overseas, allowing users to enjoy the slim-size version Readers experience the charm of color; in late September, it will be the turn of the Chinese version of Tab8 C to debut.

Just when the public thought that Boox had completed the layout of color readers for this year, they unexpectedly struck again in October. First, on October 12, it released the hardware upgraded version of Tab10C Pro in China; and on October 17 , Aragonite also suddenly released two 10.3-inch color machines overseas - Note Air3 C and Tab Ultra C Pro . They replaced the Tab Ultra C, which was very popular but has been in short supply overseas for a long time, and also brought more new products to users. With powerful performance, you can choose according to your needs and budget.

Therefore, Boox will release a total of 7 new color models in 7.8 inches and 10.3 inches in 2023, bringing different choices to Chinese and overseas users. We look forward to Boox launching the latest Kaleido 3 products in 6-inch and 13.3-inch sizes in 2024.

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