E-Ink新聞:E-Ink獲得2023年度S&P Global可持續性年鑑認證,獲得最高ESG分數和產業推動者稱號

E-Ink News: E-Ink was certified by the 2023 SP Global Sustainability Yearbook, awarded the top ten ESG scores and the title of industry promoter

E-Ink (Electronic Paper) was selected as one of the award-winning products in the 2023 SP Global Sustainability Yearbook, and was also awarded the highest grade of 10 points in the SP Global ESG (Environmental, Social, Corporate Governance) score, and was listed as industry mover. SP Global is one of the global providers of financial information and analysis. The yearbook aims to evaluate the performance of global companies in terms of sustainability and recognize outstanding companies and organizations in various industries that are committed to sustainable development. The yearbook is highly recognized and considered to be one of the authoritative indicators in the field of sustainable investing. Obtaining a high score in the yearbook and being named an industry mover is an important honor, representing the company's outstanding performance in environmental, social and governance aspects, and has been recognized by the market and investors.

E-Ink is a company specializing in the development and application of electronic paper technology, which has a wide range of applications, including e-book readers, mobile phone screens, smart watches, smart labels and so on. The company's e-paper technology has multiple advantages, such as ultra-low power consumption, good readability, and bendability, which can greatly reduce the energy consumption and waste emissions of electronic products, thereby promoting sustainable development.

Therefore, this award is an affirmation for E-Ink, which also shows that the market highly recognizes and values E-Ink technology.

Let us look forward to it, what surprises will E-Ink bring us in 2023?

News source:
businesswire: E Ink Is Selected For the 2023 S&P Global Sustainability Yearbook; Awarded a Top 10% S&P Global ESG Score and Listed as an Industry Mover

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